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The ICOM IC22S was available in Australia in the late 70's & provided 22 channels in the Amateur 2 meter band. In a mobile situation they were prone to dry joints in the main board but I think they are still good radios and I have updated mine to give a few of the features expected today.

Mine now sports a Motorola  68HC705J1 micro-controller, programmed to give it channel selection over 40 channels using an up/down switch and also scan facilities, including programmable scan. Channels may be deleted from scan if they are causing a nuisance also. In addition, a LED display showing frequency is provided.

In my IC22s, I have fitted a small LED display into the radio itself. A new Icom mic, with up/down buttons and inbuilt speaker has also been fitted.

IC22S.jpg (12103 bytes)    ic22s-3.JPG (26574 bytes)

This is the circuitry built on a Dick Smith proto board. The micro used is at the top right with a crystal adjacent. The connector on the left is for the LED display and the other connects to the IC22S phase locked loop circuitry.

If there's any interest, a new version with a Flash micro (HC908QY4) and LCD display

will be included here.

If you are interested, E-mail me please or download pdf file of the project NEW:- download Nov 2004

Glenn's Home Page Syntrx IC22S Hotrod Electronics

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Updated November 18, 2004

No guarantees are given or implied as to the suitability of this material for any purpose whatsoever.

