PICaSTAR "Show and Tell"

Some of the local VK3's got together on Sunday 16th May, 2010 for a show and tell and encouragement day.

17 builders attended from 10am to about 3pm and all enjoyed seeing PICaSTARS in various stages, discussing 'how to do this and that' and seeing case construction and front panel methods which seemed to be of major interest.

Many thanks to Gerald, VK3GJM, who provided the facilities of his company to host the event and even handed out some 'freebies' to those that attended. An excellent day and all agreed that another one in about 12 months time would be excellent.


Geralds 2 STARS, Incredible front panels !

Gerald's Two PICaSTARS , one with traditional display, one with TFT.

Peter's Combo version uses Pic-and-mix control, all home built case.

Plenty of STAR's to compare and get ideas from !

Gerard had the Tft display and control boards available.



Page created on 16th May, 2010, by VK3PE