Glenn PCB's for PICaSTAR
PICASTAR is an all band (HF) Amateur Transceiver using DSP. No PC is required in actual use. The design is by G3XJP and used home built PCB's.
The original design had no power amp or LPF information. This was addressed by G6ALU and G4TZR with a suitable 20W and 140W PA plus low pass filter. The boards here include those also.
VK3PE has made some group purchases of the PCB's incorporating all changes that were made as the project evolved. The project can still be built though, with home made PCB's.
Don't be put off by the fact that PICASTAR uses some SMD parts. Many Hams have built this rig, all around the world, with varying levels of experience.
This page last updated on January 28, 2015 [removed some dead links and info]
Set 20th 2010:- corrected broken link for RS232 drawing by Alex.
Michel, F1CHM is now on air with his Combo PICASTAR !!! Also has graphical interface nearly finished.
March 18th, 2009: Made my 1st QSO on ComboSTAR (#1) !
6th March, 2009 Builders Pics. Paul has added STAR #2 to his "collection" Excellent work.
Nov 8th, 2008: CODEC and Picnmix Version "B" info added
5th Nov, Builders Pics: PICATUNE added
021008 BOM updated for Panel #1 (link to Panel #1 below)
The information on these pages is of a general nature and is provided in good faith, but no guarantees are made of it's accuracy or completeness. (Feedback of course, is welcome)
The information has NOT been endorsed or verified by the original designer of PICaSTAR or of any other PCB's that may be contained here.
A project of this kind is intended only for constructors with experience building equipment of similar complexity. These pages are general in nature and are not a substitute for good practice, nor is success guaranteed.
The information here is not intended to be a complete constructors guide.
This is NOT a kit !
This page is for the "Glenn PCB's" made in October 2007, Feb 2008 & April 2008
for builders of a PICaSTAR transceiver.
It's purpose is to provide support documentation where it varies from the official documentation.
All PCB's are based on or are very similar to the originals by Peter, G3XJP.
Panel #1 is 407 x 255mm in size and contains all but the Rx BPF and Tx LPF.
Panel #2 is 410 x 255mm in size and contains BPF plus a 150W PA, LPF and some "bonus" PCB's.
I am indebted to:-
Peter (G3XJP) the architect of STAR, for allowing me to make these PCB's for STAR builders.
Steve (G6ALU) for the use of his 20W pep amplifier and Matrix/Audio amp designs.
Harold (W4ZCB) for use of his beeper schematic which is now a PCB on panel #1
For the BPF panel, (Panel #2, PA and LPF) thanks to Steve, G6ALU and Ray, G4TZR
Chris S. for many hours spent assisting me with the design and drawings for these PCB's.
And to my XYL who has put up with my long hours doing this !
This is Panel #1 of STAR PCB's referred to in these pages. NOTE: No LPF or BPF is included but see "Panel #2" link below for details of these PCB's.
The VK3PE front panel, click to enlarge.
(has error in mode text, to be fixed)
Panel was colour Laser printed onto adhesive backed Polyester material.
See NEW PAGE for front panel ideas. 12th Nov 2008
and possible Case idea? 15th Dec 2008
Hints & kinks updated on 13th Jan 2009
Due to the amount of information,
I have now split the information pages into......
Panel #1 Build info here.
Panel #2 Build info here.
TrxAVRB Build information ! (Aug 15th 2009)
Combo Picastar Build information ! (Dec 10th 2009)
TrxAVRB Fancy a nicer display on your PICASTAR ?
Click here for more general information
A PCB Panel for TrxAVRB is available.
No PCB's are available for this project now, in this form.
Click for larger view.
NEW 14th July 2009 Basic Build information for this panel here.
More info on Ian, G3VPX's pages. Click here for Ian's pages. (Come back here though !)
Graphical display 4x20 LCD
Details of Single board version of STAR Check for regular updates!
Details below are the prototype panels. Link above is the Bersion "B" panels.
May 5th 2009:- Michel, F1CHM is now on air with his Combo PICASTAR !!! See link above for picures.
4th Feb, 2009: After a monumental amount of time put into the re-design to make a ComboSTAR, I have ordered several prototype Panels for this project and will advise how it goes as I build one up. Refer to link above.
March 9th, 2009 My ComboSTAR is working.
{COMBinatiOn PicaSTAR} PCB's arrived 18th Feb, 2009. Three other Star builders are also "pioneers" in the build! One in VK, one each in Germany and France.
ComboSTAR Panel is nearly all parts of a PICASTAR on one panel. ie reduced wiring to the point of only co-ax cabling. Picnmix, DDS and 20W PA are included. NO 140W PA or LPF is included at present due to lack of space. See link in title above.
Click on pictures to see larger Pictures. My ComboSTAR is working. March 9th, 2009
April 9th, 2009: Michel, F1CHM, is progressing well with his ComboSTAR.
May 5th, 2009:- Michel, F1CHM is now on air with his Combo PICASTAR !!! Details here
The two panel sets of PCB's for PICaSTAR are now all gone.
Email me: glennp @ (remove the spaces around the @ symbol)
Links to Integration, front panel drawings etc.
Current Melbourne time is :-
Builders pictures.
21+ 'finished' STARS using these PCB's, so far ! (060309)
Send me your build pictures.
See STAR Builders Pictures here. added 15th May 2009:- Traian, YO9FZS/p
NEW 1st Nov 2008 See PICATUNE Builders Pictures here. Check for updates
March 8th, 2010 Józef, SP9HVW has made a superb build of his PICaSTAR
11th Dec 07 Paul, G4WJH, had his 1st QSO with his new STAR, built from this panel ! Well done Paul.
30th Mar, 08, Yours truly, VK3PE, made his 1st QSO with STAR, on 80M
March 2008, Paul, M1PVC's very nice build added.
May 2008, Elia sent some pictures of his near finished STAR
July 25th, 2008, Paul M1PVC, now has his STAR on air !
July 27th,2009 more home brew from Paul.
Nov 1st 2008 Calvin M1EPM's Picatune (home brew pcb's) EXCELLENT!
And also his PICASTAR (click to enlarge picture)
9th August, update for Paul's STAR and H/B power supply.
Aug 12, 2008 Dave, VK3DSB now has his STAR on air also.
20th Aug 2008 Bob, 5B4AGN, fittingly, has his 2nd STAR up and running with the 1st 20M QSO to G3XJP
29th Jan 2009: Viv and Jeff, both have their STAR's on air.........
12th Feb, 2009, Michel, F1CHM has STAR going. 150W pa pics but STAR pic coming shortly.
6th March, 2009 Paul has added STAR #2 to his "collection" Excellent work.
Russ's STAR . Interesting graphical display. Check builders link above.
DK5LV, Hennings PICASTAR Build. April, 2011 NEW
Calvin, M1EPM, has now finished his STAR NEW 29th April, 2011
Sanyi HA3NJ has updated his STAR with Trxavrb and TFT NEW 13th May 2012
EA1CGK NEW July 2017
The VK3PE build. Mostly mechanical pictures.
* PICaTUNE Panels **
PCB's above are NOT to scale. Logic panel is smaller.
14th October. last batch of Picatune boards, shipped 3rd Nov,2008.
Jan 2015, NO pcb's available for this project at present
Check page for regular updates >> My Picatune Web page is here.
Original Documentation and software by G3XJP is on the new "picaproject" Yahoo group.
(after the 31st, Aug, 2008, you will need to E-mail Peter directly, to join) {refer to QRZ.COM for email}
Make your own Opto Wheel LINK UPDATED 230708
For all that may be interested, Tom, AB9B has just released a freeware program called 'Codewheel' that facilitates generating codewheels for the construction of rotary encoders.
It is downloadable at the following web page (along with a lot of info on decoding quadrature encoders): Download it here -Ray WB6TPU
This is the method I have used to switch the RS232 between the DSP and PnM using a toggle switch. It is not an approved modification.
Alex, AI2Q, has done a similar thing: link updated 20th Sept, 2010
All wiring should be shielded.
Alternate LPF
For a 20W PA, this LPF could also be used, although it might be better to go for Ray's, in case you up the power level !
Tx Low pass filter board. I recently purchased a CDG2000 LPF pcb. 3rd Dec 2007
Kyneton Hamfest and meeting of VK STAR builders !
Paul, VK3XDE, gave an excellent mini-lecture on PICASTAR at the Kyneton Hamfest (VK3) 10th Feb 2008.
Some pictures of PCB's on Panel #2.
BPF and 150W PA amp.
Picture of G6ALU PA to right.
Chris C. has done some work on an Avago encoder using a small PIC. See details here. No PCB available for this.
090408 I have now mocked this up after Chris kindly sent me a programmed PIC and it's looking good in initial tests with a Logic Probe.
100408 Hooked up to Avago encoder and working fine on Scope. ~16uS pulses and direction Hi/Lo ok.
My email address is
From 19th Nov 2007 (230)
Under Construction ! Last updated:- July 18, 2017